Fishing Rod – Spare Sections

Fishing Rod Spare Sections

Match Rods
Spare sections for Normark match rods including the Normark Titan and Normark Avenger match rods

Quiver/Feeder rods
Spare sections for Normark quiver and feeder rods

Carp/Pike Rods
Spare sections for Normark carp and pike rods

Sea Rods
Spare sections for Normark boat and beach rods

Fly Rods
Spare sections for Normark fly fishing rods

Blue Fox Travel Rods
Spare sections for Normark blue fox four piece travel rods

Pole Sections (Butts Only)
Spare sections for Normark fishing poles

Fly rod sections

Match Rod Sections

Rapala Fishing Tackle

Rapala Fishing Tackle     Save up to 26%

Rapala  countdown slow sinking lure   RRP: £7.99

Rapala  husky jerk rapala lures   RRP: £7.99

Rapala  j7 jointed rapala lure   RRP: £7.99

Rapala  jointed j13 rapala lure   RRP: £9.99

Rapala  magnum floating bass lure   RRP: £11.99

Rapala  skitter walk rapala lure   RRP: £9.99

Rapala  sliver floating saltwater lure   RRP: £12.99

Rapala  super shad rap   RRP: £12.99

Rapala  tail dancer wide tail   RRP: £9.99

Rapala  x rap freshwater rapala lure   RRP: £9.99

Rapala  x rap saltwater lure   RRP: £9.99

Daiwa Fishing Tackle

Daiwa Fishing Tackle Save up to 40%

Daiwa  sensor   RRP: £7.99

Daiwa  advantage   RRP: £175.00

Daiwa  emblem pro big pit reel   RRP: £165.00

Daiwa  laguna hardbodyz   RRP: £82.99

Daiwa  sealine slosh x   RRP: £150.00

Daiwa  emcast big pit reel   RRP:  79.99

Daiwa  emcast plus big pit reel   RRP: £99.00

Daiwa  team daiwa s airbail cu   RRP: £199.00

Daiwa  longbeam beach rod

Daiwa  sealine multiplier reel   RRP: £135.00

Daiwa  regal x bite n run reel   RRP: £49.99

Daiwa  longbow predator rod   RRP: 125.00

Daiwa  longbeam bass rod   RRP: £49.99

Daiwa  whisker pike and predator   RRP: £100.00

Daiwa  lochmor disc drag fly reel   RRP: £49.99

Daiwa  tournament entoh   RRP: £275.00

Daiwa  emcast sport

See the wide range of Daiwa Fishing Tackle at

Fishing Lakes

Fresh Water Fishing

Best Fishing Lakes

UK Lakes Series

The UK is home to beautiful lakes, lochs, pools, reservoirs and waters, from the small but majestic Rydal Water in the Lake District to the bubbling Fairy Pools of Skye, the UK is home to a wide variety of spectacular lakes for water-sports, wild swims, bike rides, water-side walks and picnics.

These guides gives you plenty of information, including what species of fish can be caught at each water, maps, directions, parking details, ticket prices, rules for that venue, on site facilities, disabled access and contact numbers. Most lakes, ponds and rivers in and around the area are featured and all contain photographs of the venues. This full colour guide contains all you need to know for a great days fishing.

Much of the advice for fishing lakes will be similar to our suggestions for river fishing so we suggest that you read that first. We can then identify any differences between the two styles.

Rods – again we would advise a 12ft match rod. You are looking for a ‘through’ action whereas float fishing rods for river use are ideally ‘tip’ actioned. A through action rod has a gradual bend from the tip right down the section to the butt whereas the tip action has stiffer middle and butt joints leaving only the tip to bend.

The tip actioned rod is ideal when fishing for roach and dace in the rivers where you need to be able to pick up lots of loose line that is laying on the surface between the rod and the float. When we’re fishing lakes we tend to use ‘waggler’ type float with the line fixed only at the bottom of the float giving us a sunken line and a more direct contact to a biting fish. We would recommend something like the Shakespeare Odessa 12ft

Online Tackle Shop

Also see Fishing Poles

Tackle by Brand


Tenerife Fish

Tenerife waters are deep and the influence of the gulf currents is strong, making them the ideal habitat for many species of fish. Big eye, Yellow fin and Albacore Tuna can be found from September to April, and skipjack tuna nearly all year round! The big game fishing season normally starts in February for tuna fishing, being April and February the better months; marlin fishing between May and September, peak season is June, July & August.

  • parrot fish
  • sardines
  • samas
  • wreckfish
  • pollocks
  • grouper fish
  • combers
  • horse-mackerel,
  • cuttle fish
  • mackerel

Tenerife Fish La Vieja

La vieja is a typical Canary Island fish that is very little known in the peninsula. It is a fine white fish, with some similarity to the sole and very traditional in the islands’ cuisine.

Sea bass, lubina in Spanish, is a silver fish with a white belly that is very popular in Spanish restaurants . It has white, firm flesh and a delicate flavor. It is served whole baked in the oven, or grilled, served with salt and lemon.

300 Species of Tenerife Fish

Cavalier & Blue Marlin Charters have an excellent guide to Canary Islands fish. Although not in Tenerife the local fish are much the same. Sports fishing is very popular and the search for Marlin in Tenerife waters is usually very successful.

See the fish

Cavalier & Blue Marlin Charters
Puerto Rico
Gran Canaria
+34 607 913 313

Fishing Boats Tenerife

Renting a boat for your entire holiday will not be cheap. Below are some useful sample prices. A sensible option is is to keep your boat accommodation and your fishing separate. Moovers 2 can sleep 4 to 6. Priced at 150€ pp weekly for guests not fishing, it means a great price for every member of the group. For fishing we recommend Tenerife Sport Fishing. About their Boats

We offer you a sensible alternative of rent your boat accommodation from as little as 300€ pp weekly while we organise your itinerary at affordable prices.

Fishing Boats at Night

Los Abrigos Fishing Village

  • To see the real fishing boats of Tenerife then a visit to Los Abrigos is a must.
  • Rise early if you want to see them go out.
  • You can walk there from the boat, it’s a lovely walk early morning.
  • Evening is well worth a trip with many fish restaurants for which Los Abrigos is famous.

Tenerife Sport Fishing Boats

Prices start at 59€ – Click the image for more details

No Limits One
28 foot Bertram with 2 Volvo Penta 210hp engines, which has been constantly kept up to date with the latest technology, Renewed in 2022. Sonar, Fish Finder, toilet, cabin, ice box, sofa, sun-bed on the fly bridge.

No Limits Two
41 foot Rodman, with 2 Volvo Penta 450hp engines, sonar, radar, fish finder, walk around deck, sun bed, toilet, shower, seating on the fly bridge, sofa, kitchen, cabins.

Tenerife Prices for Boat Trips and Boat Charter

Luxury yes, but not affordable for most of us.

Sample Boat Charter Prices


Sample Boat Trip Prices


Fishing Holidays

The No Limits Crew provide first class fishing charters.

Our passion for fishing goes all the way through South and West Tenerife, counting with more than 20 years fishing! There are endless possibilities for everyone, new and experienced anglers who want to discover the wonders of these coasts.

We want to guarantee you the best Private Charter Fishing Experience in Tenerife! Our newest addition to the No Limits fleet is this beautiful 41 foot Rodman, with 2 Volvo Penta 450hp engines, sonar, radar, fish finder, walk around deck, sun bed, toilet, shower, seating on the fly bridge, sofa, kitchen, cabins, and so much more!

Location: Pier 11 Puerto Colon, Adeje

Phone: 659 62 35 35

Find No Limits Sport Fishing on Facebook

Bass Fishing

Fishing for Bass

Bass Fishing

Jump to Bass Fishing Video

In the past, where human populations were sparse and fishing pressure modest, sea bass were simply called “bass”, meaning basically “prickly.” But in Mediterranean Europe the same species began to be named in a way that indicated intelligence. The ancient Greeks associated the fish with the word labros, or “turbulence.” Homer uses labros in reference to wind and waterbut labros as it applied to sea bass gradually came to imply cleverness. In modern Greek the concept of the sea bass as a clever fish became its defining characteristic. Today the fish is called lavraki – “the clever one.” If you wanted to indicate in modern Greek that someone had cleverly figured out something tricky and challenging, you would say that he epyase lavraki – “he caught a sea bass.”

The perception of the bass as clever occurs in other Mediterranean languages. The Romans named the fish after an animal they considered particularly intelligent – lupinus, which eventually became the French loup de mer – “sea wolf.” And the Latin poet Ovid wrote of sea bass as using its smarts to frustrate its potential captors. “In vain above the greedy [fisherman] toils,” Ovid wrote, “while with arts more exquisite the bass beguiles.”

European sea bass thus seem to have rapidly solidified their reputation for cleverness in the Mediterranean. The reason for this may be a direct product of the holiday-like environment of the Mediterranean Sea, the place where humans and sea bass had their most intense interactions. The Mediterranean occupies an exceptionally warm and dry climatic zone. Most rivers on the European continent flow away from it, meaning that, compared to other seas, the Mediterranean’s biotic systems receive few nutrients. The sea is therefore described by scientists with the Greek-derived word oligotrophic – a place that “contains little nourishment.”  By the time one reaches the level of the European sea bass, both the population of fish and the size of individual fish are naturally smaller and more sensitive to exploitation than in more productive seas. Recently the Italian cookbook author Marcella Hazan said that when she moved to the United States, she simply could not find the right fish for her European sea bass recipes. “Your bass are too big!” she lamented.

Bass Fishing Video