Fishing Lakes

Fresh Water Fishing

Best Fishing Lakes

UK Lakes Series

The UK is home to beautiful lakes, lochs, pools, reservoirs and waters, from the small but majestic Rydal Water in the Lake District to the bubbling Fairy Pools of Skye, the UK is home to a wide variety of spectacular lakes for water-sports, wild swims, bike rides, water-side walks and picnics.

These guides gives you plenty of information, including what species of fish can be caught at each water, maps, directions, parking details, ticket prices, rules for that venue, on site facilities, disabled access and contact numbers. Most lakes, ponds and rivers in and around the area are featured and all contain photographs of the venues. This full colour guide contains all you need to know for a great days fishing.

Much of the advice for fishing lakes will be similar to our suggestions for river fishing so we suggest that you read that first. We can then identify any differences between the two styles.

Rods – again we would advise a 12ft match rod. You are looking for a ‘through’ action whereas float fishing rods for river use are ideally ‘tip’ actioned. A through action rod has a gradual bend from the tip right down the section to the butt whereas the tip action has stiffer middle and butt joints leaving only the tip to bend.

The tip actioned rod is ideal when fishing for roach and dace in the rivers where you need to be able to pick up lots of loose line that is laying on the surface between the rod and the float. When we’re fishing lakes we tend to use ‘waggler’ type float with the line fixed only at the bottom of the float giving us a sunken line and a more direct contact to a biting fish. We would recommend something like the Shakespeare Odessa 12ft