Fishing Lake in Sussex

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Find out where to fish – ALWAYS BEST TO GIVE THEM A RING – search for the best places to fish near you, local fishing spots, using our fishing lakes directory.In addition, learn more about species that can be caught in these waters as well as places to buy fishing tackle, licenses, equipment etc. from our friendly experts listed here.

Trench Farm Fisheries, Springvilla Farm Bulley Lane, Gloucester, GL2 8AS
Tel. 01978 710098

Fishing Lake Sussex

Fishing Lake: If you manage a fishing lake in Sussex please contact us for your free listing here.

Covering the following areas in Sussex: Leek, Stafford, Stoke-On-Trent, Stone, Uttoxeter

This page is part of our Fishing Lake Directory for Sussex. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Lake in Sussex please use the search at the bottom of the page.

Fishing Lake Reviews in Sussex

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Sussex

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

There were paddles in the boat. Richard took one and handed it to Greg. ‘Go on, it’s your fish.’
Greg held the blade end, took careful aim and brought the handle of the paddle crashing down on the pike’s head.
‘Again, just to make sure.’
He hit it again twice, whereupon a great shudder went through the pike’s body and it lay still. They knelt there for ages, gazing down and admiring the fish in disbelief that this was happening to them. Eventually, they collected the rest of their tackle into the knapsacks and looked around for something to help them ca

‘That’s your best today,’ cried Brett. ‘Don’t lose the bugger!’
Helen managed to stop the first run and bring the trout back towards her, but as soon as it came near the boat, it turned back on itself and went away again just as powerfully as before. The difference this time was that it dived deeper and headed more to the left, and she felt that it was on a definite quest of some sort. This was heightened when the fight began to feel peculiar, as though the line was being pulled down to a particular anchor point in the lake rather than the usual random direct

‘Well, I think we’ve finished with the pike now. We’d better get her back into the river here. There seems plenty of life left in her.’
Since permission is required to move fish to make sure that diseases are not spread unintentionally between rivers, both Mark and the television company had agreements to return fish to the water where they were caught. So the pike was driven back to the original fishing spot, where Mark looked it over once more to make sure it was okay to release, despite the two dents still visible on its head. He slipped it gently AMAZING

Full List of areas covered on our Sussex Fishing Lake Directory:

Fishing Lake Reviews in Sussex

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Sussex

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract