Fishing Tackle Shops in Perth and Kinross

Find Fishing Tackle Shops in Perth and Kinross

Pete’s Fishing Tackle, 12 Rood End Rd, Oldbury, B68 8SH
Tel. 07415 935831

Fishing Tackle Shops Perth and Kinross

Fishing Tackle Shops: If you have a fishing tackle shop in Perth and Kinross please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a tackle shop in Perth and Kinross or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your tackle. We got hacked and lost all the info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.

Covering the following areas in Perth and Kinross: Aberfeldy, Acharacle, Arisaig, Auchterarder, Aviemore, Ballachulish, Blairgowrie, Boat Of Garten, Carrbridge, Corrour, Crieff, Dalwhinnie, Dunkeld, Fort Augustus, Fort William, Glenfinnan, Grantown-On-Spey, Invergarry, Isle Of Canna, Isle Of Eigg, Isle Of Rum, Kingussie, Kinlochleven, Lochailort, Mallaig, Nethy Bridge, Newtonmore, Perth, Pitlochry, Roy Bridge, Spean Bridge

Fishing Tackle Shops in  Perth and Kinross

This page is part of our Fishing Tackle Shops directory for Perth and Kinross. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Tackle Shops in Perth and Kinross please use the search at the bottom of the page

Fishing Equipment for Sale in Fishing Tackle Shops

Do you sell fishing equipment in any of these locations then please contact us to list your business below, free of charge.

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

‘Is this where you stayed last night?’ asked O’Reilly.
Charles was staring around him, bewildered. ‘There must be some mistake. There’s another cottage down here, surely?’
‘No more cottages, this is the only one. And no one’s lived here since Maire died these 30 years past.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, man, I saw her with my own eyes. She gave me rabbit stew!’
O’Reilly walked over to the grate and felt the embers. ‘They’re still warm, so you did stay here last night, that’s for certain, but not with Maire. I think you must have been suffering from hypother

‘Okay, Bill, that’s enough. We’ve given it our best shot and there’s no disgrace at losing a fish like that.’
‘No way!’ Bill cried out. ‘We’re going line hunting again!’
They searched for another 30 minutes, by which time even Bill was on the verge of calling it a day until Michael suggested they tried one last pass over the original lie where the fish had taken.
‘There, it’s down there!’ shouted Michael. They repeated the retrieval and retying process from earlier and the fish was, incredibly, still attached.

Helen cast again just in front of the trout and twitched the Para Dun slightly. Another swirl and this time the fish was firmly hooked, and set off on a powerful run in the opposite direction, away from the boat.
‘That’s your best today,’ cried Brett. ‘Don’t lose the bugger!’
Helen managed to stop the first run and bring the trout back towards her, but as soon as it came near the boat, it turned back on itself and went away again just as powerfully as before. The difference this time was that it dived deeper and headed more to the left, and she felt that i

Full List of areas covered on our Perth and Kinross Fishing Tackle Shops Directory:

Aberargie, Aberdalgie, Aberfeldy, Abernethy, Abernyte, Aberuthven, Achalader, Acharn, Achnafauld, Airntully, Aldclune, Aldville, Almond-bank, Alyth, Amulree, Ardler, Ardoch, Ardradnaig, Ardtalnaig, Ardtrostan, Ardvorlich, Arlary, Arngask, Arthurstone, Ashmore, Auchinner, Auchnacloich, Auchnafree, Auchterarder, Aulich, Ayton, Badyo, Balbeggie, Balendoch, Balgedie, Balhary, Balintyre, Ballechin, Balliemore, Ballindean, Ballinlick, Ballinluig, Ballintuim, Balloch, Balmacneil, Balmyle, Balnaguard, Balthayock, Balvarran, Bamff, Bankfoot, Ben Alder Cottage, Birnam, Blackford, Blacklunans, Blair Atholl, Blairgowrie, Blairingone, Bolfracks, Braco, Braegrum, Braes of Foss, Bridge of Balgie, Bridge of Cally, Bridge of Earn, Bridge of Ericht, Bridge of Gaur, Bridge of Tilt, Bridgend, Broom of Dalreach, Buchanty, Burnfoot, Burrelton, Busby, Butterstone, Calvine, Camghouran, Campmuir, Camserney, Camusurich, Camusvrachan, Caputh, Cargill, Carie, Carnbo, Carroglen, Cashlie, Chapelbank, Chapelhill, Clathy, Cleish, Clunie, Coldrain, Colenden, Collace, Comrie, Concraigie, Corrymuckloch, Coshieville, Coupar Angus, Craggan, Cragganruar, Craigdallie, Craigend, Craigie, Craigieholm, Craigow, Cray, Crieff, Crook of Devon, Crossgates, Culloch, Cultybraggan Camp, Dalchalloch, Dalchruin, Dalginross, Dalguise, Dalmarnock, Dalmunzie Hotel, Dalnacarn, Dalnaglar Castle, Dalqueich, Dalrulzian, Damside, Dowally, Dron, Drum, Drumour, Dubheads, Duinish, Dull, Dunalastair, Duncrievie, Dunira, Dunkeld, Dunning, Dunsinnan, Edradynate, Elcho, Enochdu, Errol, Fearnan, Findo Gask, Finegand, Finnart, Forebrae, Forest Lodge, Forgandenny, Forneth, Forteviot, Fortingall, Foss, Fowlis Wester, Friarton, Gairney Bank, Garrick, Garrow, Garvock, Gask, Gatehouse, Gellyburn, Gilmerton, Glencarse, Glendevon, Glendoick, Gleneagles, Glenfarg, Glenfoot, Glenlichorn, Glenshee, Grandtully, Grange, Greenloaning, Greenscares, Grundcruie, Guay, Guildtown, Harrietfield, Hosh, Huntingtower, Inchture, Inchyra, Innerwick, Invergeldie, Invergowrie, Inverhadden, Invervar, Jordanstone, Keillor, Keillour, Keithick, Keltneyburn, Kenknock, Kenmore, Kettins, Killichonan, Killiecrankie, Kilspindie, Kiltyre, Kinclaven, Kincraigie, Kindallachan, Kindrogan Field Centre, Kinfauns, Kingoodie, Kinkell Bridge, Kinloch, Kinloch Rannoch, Kinnaird, Kinnesswood, Kinross, Kinrossie, Kintillo, Kippen, Kirkmichael, Kirkton, Kirkton of Collace, Kirkton of Lethendy, Knapp, Laguna, Lair, Langside, Lassintullich, Lawers, Leitfie, Lethendy, Leys, Little Ballinluig, Little Dunkeld, Littleton, Lochlane, Logierait, Longforgan, Lornty, Lubreoch, Luncarty, Machany, Madderty, Markethill, Meigle, Meikleour, Methven, Middle Rigg, Middleton, Mill of Fortune, Millearn, Milltown of Aberdalgie, Milnathort, Milton, Milton Morenish, Milton of Dalcapon, Moar, Moncreiffe, Moneydie, Monzie, Morenish, Moulin, Muirton of Ardblair, Muirtown, Murthly, Muthill, Netherton, New Alyth, New Scone, Newmiln, Newton, Newton of Balcanquhal, Ochtermuthill, Ochtertyre, Old Scone, Parkhill, Path of Condie, Persey, Perth, Pickston, Pitagowan, Pitcairngreen, Pitcairns, Pitcur, Pitlochry, Pitnacree, Pitroddie, Port Allen, Port na Craig, Powmill, Pubil, Quoig, Quoigs, Rait, Rannoch School, Rattray, Remony, Rhynd, Riechip, Rochallie, Rosemount, Ross, Rossie Ochill, Rumbling Bridge, Saucher, Scotlandwell, Scotston, Shanzie, Solsgirth, Spittal of Glenshee, Spittalfield, Springfield, Sronphadruig Lodge, St David’s, St Fillans, St Martins, Stanley, Stenton, Stix, Straloch, Strathtay, Struan, Talla Bheith, Tarsappie, Tarvie, Tempar, Thornton, Tibbermore, Tighnablair, Tressait, Trinafour, Trochry, Tulchan, Tulliemet, Tullybannocher, Tullybelton, Tullyfergus, Tullymurdoch, Tummel Bridge, Upper Obney, Upper Tillyrie, Warroch, Waterloo, Weem, West Tofts, Westerton, Whitefield, Wolfhill, Woodend, Woodside