Fishing Tackle Shops in Northumberland

Find Fishing Tackle Shops in Northumberland

Billy’s Fishing Tackle, 28 Saville St West, North Shields, NE29 6QR
Tel. 0191 259 6262

Fishing Tackle Store Ltd, Unit 4, Strand House, Locomotion Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 5US
Tel. 0191 216 0500

Fishy Fingers Tackle, College Rd, Ashington, NE63 9QS, Northumberland
Tel. 01670 638916

Flash Fishing Tackle Ltd, Unit 6b Delaval Trading Estate, Whitley Bay, NE25 0QT
Tel. 0191 237 7418

Fishing Tackle Shops Northumberland

Fishing Tackle Shops: If you have a fishing tackle shop in Northumberland please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a tackle shop in Northumberland or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your tackle. We got hacked and lost all the info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.

Covering the following areas in Northumberland: Brackley, Corby, Daventry, Kettering, Northampton, Rushden, Towcester, Wellingborough

Fishing Tackle Shops in  Northumberland

This page is part of our Fishing Tackle Shops directory for Northumberland. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Tackle Shops in Northumberland please use the search at the bottom of the page

Fishing Equipment for Sale in Fishing Tackle Shops

Do you sell fishing equipment in any of these locations then please contact us to list your business below, free of charge.

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

However, some of the locals were not quite so concerned about foul hooking, just as long as they pulled something out. Poaching was a serious problem on the Lyn and the bailiffs were continually on the lookout for miscreants, although with the deep wooded ravines, catching them was never easy, especially as the poachers, by their very nature, were a crafty lot.
On one occasion, a poacher named Dave was inadvertently helped by Roy, the proprietor of the Watersmeet Tea Rooms, who, having seen the bailiff lurking about, tippe

The name has stuck. And when the water is low on the Coquet, the threesome wouldn’t dream of fishing without a few casts in the CBA Pot; even though, to their knowledge, it hasn’t produced another fish from that day to this!
Preparation is all well and good until something happens for which you could not possibly have prepared. And when the person in charge starts to panic, it is time to think on your feet – fast!
ly fishing for bonefish, tarpon and the many other exotic species found in the beautiful clear waters of the Caribbean a

Back to the Lochy, sometime in the mid-1950s. The fishing guest was a Major Jackson, at least for the purposes of this tale, and the ghillie answered to Murdo. So it was that Murdo met Jackson on the banks of the Lochy at 9 o’clock on a Monday morning. The weather was perfect, with good cloud cover, excellent visibility and a fresh atmosphere. It was perfect for salmon fishing and it was quite obvious that there were salmon in the river: they were showing all over the pool and Jackson was impatient to get started.
‘Now, Murdo, whatever else you do for me this

Full List of areas covered on our Northumberland Fishing Tackle Shops Directory:

Acklington, Acomb, Adderstone, Akeld, Allendale Town, Allenheads, Allensford, Alnham, Alnmouth, Alnwick, Alwinton, Amble, Ancroft, Ashington, Aydon, Ayle, Bamburgh, Bardon Mill, Barleyhill, Barmoor Lane End, Barrasford, Beadnell, Beal, Beanley, Bearsbridge, Bebside, Bedlington, Belford, Bellingham, Bellshill, Belsay, Benthall, Berrington, Berwick Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biddlestone, Bilton, Bingfield, Birling, Birtley, Black Heddon, Blanchland, Blindburn, Blyth, Bolton, Bothal, Boulmer, Bower, Bowsden, Bradford, Brandon, Branton, Branxton, Broome Wood, Broomhaugh, Broomhill, Brownieside, Brunton, Buckton, Budle, Burradon, Burton, Byrness, Caistron, Callaly, Cambo, Cambois, Capheaton, Carham, Carr Shield, Carterway Heads, Cartington, Castle Heaton, Catcleugh, Catton, Causey Park, Charlton, Chathill, Chatton, Cheswick, Chevington Drift, Chillingham, Chipchase Castle, Chollerton, Christon Bank, Clappers, Clifton, Coalcleugh, Coldrife, Colwell, Corbridge, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Coupland, Cowpen, Cramlington, Craster, Cresswell, Crookham, Dalton, Dargues, Darras Hall, Denwick, Detchant, Dilston, Doddington, Dotland, Downham, Duddo, Dunstan, Earle, Earsdon Moor, Easington, East Bolton, East Hartford, East Learmouth, East Lilburn, East Ord, East Sleekburn, East Thirston, Eastfield Hall, Edlingham, Eglingham, Elford, Elilaw, Elishaw, Ellingham, Ellington, Elsdon, Elwick, Embleton, Eshott, Etal, Ewart Newtown, Falstone, Felkington, Felton, Fenrother, Fenton, Fenwick, Flodden, Flotterton, Ford, Forestburn Gate, Fourstones, Gilsland, Glanton, Glororum, Gloster Hill, Goswick, Great Bavington, Great Ryle, Great Swinburne, Great Tosson, Great Whittington, Greendykes, Greenhaugh, Greenhead, Grindon, Guide Post, Gunnerton, Guyzance, Hallington, Halton, Halton Lea Gate, Haltwhistle, Harbottle, Harlow Hill, Hartburn, Hartley, Haugh Head, Hauxley, Hawkhill, Hawkwell, Haydon Bridge, Healey, Hebron, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Hedley on the Hill, Henshaw, Hepburn, Hepple, Hepscott, Hesleyside, Hetherington, Hethpool, Heugh, Hexham, High Buston, High Callerton, High Newton by-the-Sea, High Trewhitt, Higham Dykes, Highgreen Manor, Hirst, Holburn, Holystone, Horncliffe, Horsley, Howick, Howtel, Humbleton, Humshaugh, Ilderton, Ingoe, Ingram, Kielder, Kilham, Kiln Pit Hill, Kimmerston, Kirkharle, Kirkhaugh, Kirkheaton, Kirknewton, Kirkwhelpington, Knarsdale, Knowesgate, Lambley, Langleeford, Lanton, Lesbury, Lilburn Tower, Linbriggs, Linnels, Linshiels, Little Whittington, Littlehoughton, Longframlington, Longhirst, Longhorsley, Longhoughton, Longridge Towers, Longwitton, Lorbottle, Lorbottle Hall, Low Brunton, Low Gate, Low Hesleyhurst, Low Newton-by-the-Sea, Lowick, Lucker, Lynemouth, Matfen, Meldon, Melkridge, Mickley Square, Middleton, Middleton Bank Top, Middleton Hall, Milbourne, Milfield, Mindrum, Mitford, Morpeth, Morwick Hall, Murton, Nedderton, Nelson Village, Nesbit, Netherton, Netherwitton, New Bewick, New Hartley, Newbiggin, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Newbrough, Newham, Newham Hall, Newlands, Newsham, Newstead, Newton, Newton-on-the-Moor, Newtown, Ninebanks, Norham, North Charlton, North Seaton, North Sunderland, North Yardhope, Nunwick, Ogle, Old Bewick, Old Swarland, Old Town, Otterburn, Otterburn Camp, Ouston, Ovingham, Ovington, Painshawfield, Pallinsburn House, Park End, Pauperhaugh, Pawston, Pegswood, Pigdon, Plenmeller, Ponteland, Powburn, Prendwick, Pressen, Preston, Prestwick, Prudhoe, Radcliffe, Raechester, Raylees, Red Row, Redesmouth, Rennington, Riding Mill, Ridsdale, Rochester, Rock, Roddam, Rosebrough, Roseden, Ross, Rothbury, Rothley, Rowfoot, Rudchester, Ryal, Saltwick, Sandhoe, Scotland Gate, Scots’ Gap, Scrainwood, Scremerston, Seahouses, Seaton, Seaton Delaval, Seaton Sluice, Seghill, Shadfen, Shankhouse, Sharperton, Sheepwash, Shilbottle, Shillmoor, Shipley, Shoresdean, Shoreswood, Shotleyfield, Shotton, Simonburn, Sinderhope, Slaggyford, Slaley, Snitter, South Broomhill, South Charlton, Spartylea, Spindlestone, Spittal, Stagshaw Bank, Stakeford, Stamford, Stamfordham, Stannersburn, Stannington, Stanton, Stocksfield, Stonehaugh, Stonehouse, Studdon, Sunnyside, Swarland, Swinhoe, Thockrington, Thornton, Thornton Park, Throphill, Thropton, Togston, Tranwell, Tritlington, Troughend, Tughall, Tweedmouth, Twizell House, Ulgham, Wall, Walwick, Warden, Waren Mill, Warenford, Warenton, Wark, Warkworth, Warton, West Allerdean, West Chevington, West Ditchburn, West Edington, West Fleetham, West Kyloe, West Woodburn, Westgate, Westnewton, Whalton, Whitfield, Whitley Chapel, Whittingham, Whitton, Whittonstall, Whygate, Widdrington, Willimontswick, Wingates, Woodhorn, Wooler, Wooperton, Wylam, Yetlington