Looking for Shimano Steelhead Rods?

Shimano Tackle Shimano, best known for its wide range of spinning and baitcasting reels, has long been known as the leader in the fishing tackle sector. They consistently produce quality reels and have done since 1978. Visit Shimano main site


CLARUS MOOCHING: Category: Shimano Steelhead Rods

We all know and love the Clarus series and you are going to love it even more. Introducing the Clarus Salmon and Steelhead line of rods. We used some of the best fisherman and dealer input when creating these rods and they are all proud of what was built and so will you. Some of the key features are an upgraded blank, Fuji reel seats, Cork handles or Carbon handles on trolling models.

Teach a man to fish, and you let him hold your favorite rod for a day. Teach a man how to find his own rod and you’ve addicted him for life. A lot of attention gets paid to lures and reels in the fishing world, but it’s the fishing rod and reel that do the real work. Today rods are made of space-age materials that mean they can last a lifetime, handle a wider variety of fish, and take a beating. But the best fishing rod brands for beginners aren’t just high-tech – they’re affordable, and built by anglers, for anglers.

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Search for suppliers of Shimano Tackle using our Fishing Tackle Shops Directory (by city & County) More Shimano Steelhead Rods

Shimano Fishing Tackle

Max Tackle, 45 Mill St, Chesterfield, S43 4JN, Derbyshire
Tel. 01246 812476

Terrys Tackle & Bait Ltd, Unit 13 Golborne Enterprise Park, Warrington, WA3 3DR
Tel. 01942 274853

Total Fishing Tackle, Berners Hall Farm, Ongar, CM5 0TB
Tel. 01245 231746

Fly Fishing Tackle, Unit B, Parliament Square, Parliament St, Crediton, EX17 2BP
Tel. 01363 777783

Cadbury Angling Ltd, Acorn Carp Fisheries Lampley Rd, Clevedon, BS21 6XS
Tel. 01934 830033