Rushmere Golf Club

Golf Tuition is available at Rushmere Golf Club

About Rushmere Golf Club

Golfing at Rushmere Golf Club

Golf Swing Tips

To improve your golf game, it’s vital that you take golf lessons. Golf is a sport that is almost impossible to learn without some sort of guidance. Luckily, there are golf experts around the country whose job it is to teach golf. By taking golf lessons, you can drastically improve your game in a relatively short amount of time. Taking golf lessons can be an expensive, time-consuming effort. And like any good or service that will cost money and require time, you should be careful before you buy.  Golf can be a really costly game to play and it is reasonable to assume that you have invested a fair amount of money in your equipment – golf clubs, golf bag, golf balls, golf clothing, golf cart etc; – therefore doesn’t it make common sense for you to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your skills and capabilities?

Visit Rushmere Golf Club for golf lessons and other info. on golf.

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Rushmere Golf Club Is A Premier Golf Club In Ipswich – England.

Rushmere Golf Club

Extract from the book:

242 Establish Your Practice Framework and it may make proper setup and aim a little easier. But putting success depends to a far greater extent on your ability to properly execute the right stroke at the right time. You need to know what to do and how to do it on the greens and no equipment can change that.

The best putters of our time – from George Archer and Dave Stockton through Ben Crenshaw Loren Roberts Greg Norman and Brad Faxon to Lee Janzen the late Payne Stewart and now David Duval and Brent Geiberger – could putt well with just about any puller. This is because each one has developed great putting skills and strokes that. they grooved and own. No matter what putter you hand them whether it fit them or not they could use their own stroke (and setup alignment posture and other skills) and succeed.

In Figure 11.6.1 you sec the way I use a putter that is too flat to fit me and my stroke. Rather than change my posture to fit the putter I’ve done the smart thing which is to adjust the putter to fit my stroke (in this case standing it up on its toe). Never do the opposite which is to adjust your posture stance and stroke to fit a putter someone gives you. I don’t care how much you like the way the putter looks or feels if you can only use it by changing something that will adversely affect your setup or stroke mechanics – or any of your putting-game skills – it isn’t worth it. (Of course if you really have to have it you can take it to a qualified pro or club-fitter and perhaps have it adjusted to fit you.)

Having said that putter-fitting isn’t all that important understand that a poor fit (especially to a beginner) can be a significant deterrent to a golfer’s ability to learn to putt and to some extent even keep him from making good putting strokes. I see this in some of our students occasionally even with lower-handicap players who are in love with a putter for the wrong reasons. Because when the structure of new equipment is wrong for a golfer and he changes his posture or stroke motion to compensate for it it’s wrong. Then everything he has worked on practiced and grooved up to that point might as well be thrown out the window.

Establish Your Practice Framework 243

At this point it’s worth repeating what I said at the very beginning of this chapter: If you are going to practice do it right from the start. Get fit with a good putter so you don’t have to waste time getting fit and relearning later.

Rushmere Golf Club

The Long Drive Bible: How You Can Hit the Ball Longer, Straighter, and More Consistently

Extract from the book:

After learning the benefits of lag putts between 50 and 60 feet) of some Tour pros we

• When you warm up before work with compared to our Scoring Game School play or go to the practice students. You can see that if the amateurs im green for a true practice session practice lag putting proved their lag patterns so they were closer to the first concentrating on stop-hole by a factor of two they would not only reduce ping all putts from more than their number of three-putts significantly but they 35 feet close enough to make also would increase their number of putts holed by the second putt a virtual tap a factor of four. (The percentage area of the hole in. You don’t need to sink relative to the lag pattern area changes by the long putts but you must get square of the lag-area radius.) So better lag putting them close enough so you al- not only reduces the number of three-putts but most never three-putt. also leads to more long putts holed (but still a rela

• Practice putts of intermediate length – 6 to 30 feet – tively small number). second and concentrate on rolling them at a speed that Don’ t Be Discouraged stops any that miss about 17

In mentioning some of the problems inherent in inches past the hole. putting (all of which will be explained in more un

• Finish your practice with putts understandable detail in later chapters) I’ve thrown a of less than six feet focusing fair amount of information at you and we have yet only on rolling them into the to even begin examining the putting stroke. How- cup at a firm brisk pace. ever please don’t be discouraged about the com plexity of putting or the confusion you might be feeling right now. You need to understand the realities of putting so you’ll be more tolerant when unexplained things happen to you on the greens. You need to believe – no you need to know – that there is no net luck in putting no matter how your putts seem to be rolling bouncing or deflecting that day.

Once you understand the reality of the problems of the game and the often cruel statistical nature of its results you will be better prepared to proceed with your learning program which will lead to your improved putting. Always remain alert to the importance of immediate accurate reliable feedback and what it can do for your practice and on-course putting. So take heart and realize your better scores will come from more areas than simply improving your stroke mechanics. There’s much more to good putting than that physical stroke motion of yours.

Problems on the Greens 33

Rushmere Golf Club

Golf Swing Tips

The “Simple Golf” Swing: “Golf for the Rest of Us”

Extract from the book:

Golf Tuition Rushmere Golf Club

Now, you should be standing up straight, with your chest out, and your shoulders back. Your arms should be out in front of you, your elbows locked, and your wrists level with the height of your waist, while holding the club parallel to the ground. Next, bend over AT THE HIPS until the club touches the ground. Move towards or away from the ball according to where the club touches the ground. After some practice, you will be able to judge the distance well enough so that you don’t have to move around to get into position. Keep your chest out and straight while bending over at the hips. It is impossible to overstate the importance of this. You should not be bending with the back at all to reach down to the ball; you should be bending AT THE HIPS. This is one of the most common mistakes made by amateur golfers. If you look at any professional golfer on television, they will ALWAYS have a straight back, and they will ALWAYS bend at the waist to get to the ball. You will feel like your “seat” is protruding backwards more than usual. That is what we want here. Also, it’s okay if the toe of your club is not flush with the ground. It’s should be that way, especially for the long irons.

Rushmere Golf Club