Learn to Dance Rumba American Style
The Rumba, widely considered the most romantic and sensual of the Latin dances, has a magnetic interplay between its partners. Sometimes called the Grandfather of the Latin dances, the Rumba made its way from Cuba to the United States in the early 1920’s. Rumba music is in 4/4 time and there are four beats in each measure. Two measures of music are required for a full basic step. In four beats of music, three steps are taken. Essential to Rumba is the Cuban motion achieved through knee-straightening, figure-eight hip rolls and swiveling action of the feet. Strong and direct walks lead by the ball of the foot are also characteristic of the Rumba.
Polite Notice: If we have details for classes in your area they will be listed at Learn to Dance Directory or in the adverts. We are only directly involved in running classes for those looking to Learn to Dance Rumba American Style in Woodville, Swadlincote, although Kevin also teaches in Birmingham. Please do not contact Kevin for outside these areas. He cannot help.
This is an excellent website devoted to dancing with some excellent information for beginners who want to learn to dance. Basic membership is FREE, and it enables you to view more dances and videos. Members can also post classified ads and post messages to the message boards.
Tap Dance: This extremely popular form of dance was first introduced during 1920s Prohibition era in United States. Originally created by the African slaves, tap dancing came into the mainstream with the performances of Nicholas brothers. Few short years later, tap dancing conquered Hollywood and then entire world. Instead of focusing on body movements and dancing with a partner, tap dance is characterized by the creation of percussion-like musically-focused rhythm performance using tap shoes striking on the floor in accordance with the dancing music.
Learn to Dance with Kevin Allcotts Dance Centre Private Lessons Woodville, Swadlincote Animate Me: Animate Me is a popular app which let you to be a music and video director for free. It is a free dance video maker app for both android and iOS users. You can easily use and control everything to make a dance video on your phone. It has listed different body characters so that you can easily make a dance video. Easily record dance moves, edit skin color that matches the faces you use. It also allows you to share your dance video via social networks.