Cromwell Golf Club

Golf Tuition is available at Cromwell Golf Club

About Cromwell Golf Club

Golfing at Cromwell Golf Club

Golf Club Details
Visit Cromwell Golf Club for golf lessons and other info. on golf.

Cromwell Golf Club

On Thursday 16 th November, Cromwell Golf Club held it’s AGM and the new Captains were sworn in. Steve Whitney handed over the Men’s captaincy to Dave Saunders; Liz Ede handed over the Ladies captaincy to Jayne Olver, and Bernie Plummer handed over the Senior Captaincy to Mike Gardner. Dave Saunders announced that the Charity for this year would be split between Motor Neurone Disease and the Stroke Society. All these nominations were well received and the Cromwell members would like to wish them every success in the coming year. The biggest charity day event of the year is held on FA Cup Final Day – 19 May 2007 – so watch this space for more detail on how you can take part and contribute to 2 good causes !

Cromwell Golf Club