Warkworth Golf Club

Golf Tuition is available at Warkworth Golf Club

About Warkworth Golf Club

Golfing at Warkworth Golf Club

Golf Swing Tips

To improve your golf game, it’s vital that you take golf lessons. Golf is a sport that is almost impossible to learn without some sort of guidance. Luckily, there are golf experts around the country whose job it is to teach golf. By taking golf lessons, you can drastically improve your game in a relatively short amount of time. Taking golf lessons can be an expensive, time-consuming effort. And like any good or service that will cost money and require time, you should be careful before you buy.  Golf can be a really costly game to play and it is reasonable to assume that you have invested a fair amount of money in your equipment – golf clubs, golf bag, golf balls, golf clothing, golf cart etc; – therefore doesn’t it make common sense for you to learn how to use them to their advantage and improve your skills and capabilities?

Visit Warkworth Golf Club for golf lessons and other info. on golf.

Warkworth Golf Club

Welcome to the Warkworth Golf Club. This scenic 18-hole course is situated among the rolling hills of Northumberland County just east of Warkworth, Ontario, Canada. The course is well manicured with mature trees, sand traps, water hazards and large sculptured greens. Warkworth Golf Club is only 1 hour 30 minutes hours east of Toronto, west from Kingston 1 hour 15 minutes, east from Newcastle 45 minutes and 35 minutes from Belleville, Peterborough & Cobourg.

Warkworth Golf Club

Extract from the book:

Supplying the power which determines how fast and how far your putts will roll from the muscles of your wrists hands and fingers (Figure 4.5.1) is bad. Wrist motion (hinging) causes putterface angle variations and hand and wrist muscles lend to tighten up and not work well under even slight pressure. But powering your putts with these muscles also brings an added complication: It’s not had all the time.

You can practice putting this way for years and as long as you putt on the course exactly the way you do in practice – relaxed and calm – things will be reasonably okay. But wait until you get really excited. When your heart begins to beat faster because a putt really matters your body naturally produces adrenaline which makes all of your muscles stronger. Then all your practice goes out the window because the muscles that control your putting power are now stronger than they ever were on the putting green. Even if your stroke feels the way it did in practice the adrenaline-induced extra power will cause it to provide the wrong amount of energy to your putts and produce bad results on the course.

You Can’t Avoid Adrenaline Everybody gets to experience excitement and adrenaline in golf. It’s part of why we love the game and if you want to become a better player you must learn to deal with it. You must learn to play well when adrenaline is in your system. This is easy in the power game when you want to hit the ball as far you can with whatever club is in your hands. Adrenaline in your system helps you to do this. But putting is altogether different. You can’t take one less club on the green when you’re pumped up. And you certainly don ‘t want to putt the ball as far as you can.

Luckily there is a simple way to control adrenaline when putting. Learn to putt

The Seven Building Blocks of Stroke Mechanics 69 in such a way that the adrenaline-affected muscles of your fingers hands and wrists don’t control how far or fast your putts roll. You’ll learn about that in section 13.5.

Forearm Rotation

Warkworth Golf Club

The Long Drive Bible: How You Can Hit the Ball Longer, Straighter, and More Consistently

Extract from the book:

The Quality of Impact

Before we get there however I want you to learn how important your impact point is to your putting. Look at the impact patterns shown on the following two pages (Figure 4.9.2). These patterns are all authentic test results made by golfers on the first day in our Scoring Game Schools. Note they are arranged by handicap with the lowest handicaps at the top left down to the highest handicaps at the bottom right. Also note that the approximate location of the sweetspot of each putter is indicated by the line near the center of each impact tape.

If you study these patterns carefully the results are clear: The lower the handicap the smaller – and closer to the sweetspot – the impact pattern. In other words the better player hits putts closer to the same area of the putterface. And the best players – the Tour pros – have the smallest impact patterns centered on or very near the sweetspot. In fact looking at the consistent correlation between pattern size and handicap on these pages you might think that impact pattern size was the absolute determinant of a player’s ability to score. Of course this is not true but the implications of this data are undeniable.

There’s a very simple message here: The more consistently a player transfers energy to the ball the better his or her putting touch can become. And the better a golfer ‘ s putting touch the more putts he makes and the lower his handicap. Why? Because consistent transfer of energy enhances one’s ability to control the speed that putts roll which controls not only how far and fast the ball travels and how much it breaks but also the probability of its hitting and staying in the hole.

The Seven Building Blocks of Stroke Mechanics 91

Proper speed also largely eliminates the chance of three-putting. Above all else good speed control is a requirement for good putting.

The Sweetspot in Two Dimensions

Warkworth Golf Club

Golf Swing Tips

The “Simple Golf” Swing: “Golf for the Rest of Us”

Extract from the book:

Golf Tuition Warkworth Golf Club

Notice that the right elbow becomes locked now as the right arm continues to swing. As you can see the right wrist has started to roll on top of the left wrist. The left elbow is now closer to the body, and is able to bend. The left elbow cannot be completely stopped at the imaginary line, but just a hesitation is enough to let your hands swing through the ball. Notice that the triangle is still present.

Warkworth Golf Club