Tehidy Park Golf Club

Golf Tuition is available at Tehidy Park Golf Club

About Tehidy Park Golf Club

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Golf Tuition is available at Tehidy Park Golf Club” src=”/wp-content/uploads/uk-golf-club.jpg”>

Golf Club Details
Visit Tehidy Park Golf Club for golf lessons and other info. on golf.

Tehidy Park Golf Club

In 1922, businessmen from the Camborne-Redruth area leased 75 acres of the erstwhile Bassett Estate and enlisted the help of one of the great Cornishmen, the Open Champion Jim Barnes, to advise them on the layout of the first course. This was in play in October of 1922 and at that time measured what we would now consider to be a meagre 5000 yards. With the equipment of the day and the existence of fine woodland, it would, no doubt, have been as tough a test as the present layout.

Tehidy Park Golf Club